Editorial Principal

La Redención y Reconciliación de la Raza Humana

Cinco Verdades Bíblicas Sobre la Salvación por Manolete - je “D E L E G A R” (Romanos 1:16) Hablando en términos modernos, digamos que el pe...

Friday, March 23, 2007

My wife and me (Mi esposa y yo)

My wife and me- manolete-je.
(Mi esposa y yo).

Monday, March 19, 2007

What Really Matters

What is it that really matters in the reality of the ring? (That is, in the bullring, or also, as it were, even in the ring or the sphere of life).

The answer, surprisingly, is short and simple- yet profound for those who would be wise. What's the answer? (Or as a friend of mine used to say, "What's it all about Alfie?" I guess he got that line from the movie).

Well, before I venture to answer the question, I'd like to muse about it for a minute.
In the bullring, several things matter, but what really matters, in the mind of an honest and truthful matador or torero, is to give the best, greatest, most impacting performance of his life every afternoon. (Or we could ask, what matters most in baseball, football or basketball? I guess many types of analogies could serve as illustrations, whether in or outside of sports).
My point is that a torero who is truly committed to his art and his career, wants to please, to entertain, to perform well, and to enjoy the excitement of facing the black fearsome, fierce, brute- the bull- and yet do so fearlessly, with justice, confidence, dignity, and poise; and then, of course, to enjoy the fruits of his labors with family and friends. His motive is the joy of the art of playing the 'toro bravo', enjoying his performance and its fruits, knowing the 'presidente' or the 'juez' (judge) will reward him according to his work.

Living our lives may be the same way- a struggle or a fight we endure, hopefully with patience and joy most of the time. (Although, bullfighting, is not necessarily a fight). Living our lives is not a bullfight, of course, nor is the life of faith a bullfight. But, I do enjoy a corrida de toros or bullfight- so, naturally, sometimes, I observe parallels to life. Bullfighting, like most arts, may be a reflection of life, people, and a culture.

Despite the struggle, then, that life may seem to be, what is it that really matters in the huge scheme of things or life? What is it that really matters and will ultimately define life and it's purpose for a person? (For it will also define and determine how we endure and or perform).

The answer is simple, but important. It is not new, but the wise have known it.
I submit my thought and answer, to you, from a biblical worldview. What matters most, as we all well know (but seldom practice), is to love God and enjoy Him forever. Or we could ask, in terms of the "catechists question":
Q. 1. What is the chief end of man?
A. Man’s chief end is to glorify God, and to enjoy him forever.

What, then, is the chief purpose of a person's life? The answer is clear. I like the way Dr. John Piper understands this in his writings: We glorify God by enjoying him forever.

Our relationship with God, then, is what really matters in all of life. (I Corinthians 10:31).
(Well, there's more to say and think about, but I pause here, and let you mull it over).

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Manos a la obra - Hands to the task

"Pone manos al volante. A Linares, a Linares, a dar a mi nombre fe." Asi dijo el gran Manolete, en boca del poeta Rafael Acevedo. Similarmente, asi inicio mi salida al ruedo de los blogs.

"Put yours hands to the wheel. To Linares, to Linares, to give my name reknown." So said the great Manolete, in the mouth of the poet Rafael Acevedo. Similarly, I initiate my outing into the blog ring.Posted by Picasa

Monday, March 12, 2007

Introduction - Introducción

by Manolete-je
al fin, me lanzo al redondel de los blogs; espero contribuir palabras y consejos de aliento, vida, y sabiduria por medio de este foro comunicativo; para todos ustedes, y para la gloria de Dios, con el permiso del Señor Juez (o presidente)- el Señor Jesucristo.

I Corintios 10:31.

finally, I venture into the (bull)ring of the blogs; I hope to contribute words of wisdom and help, as well as life; so may it be for all of you, for the glory of the Lord, and with the Judge's (or president's) permission- the Lord Jesus Christ.

I Corinthians 10:31